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Honor your loved one in Into the Light, a special magazine about mental health.

All proceeds from these photos will go to NAMI-SEMN National Alliance Mental Illness in Rochester, MN

Click on the Submission Tab above to participate with a donation and honor your loved one with a picture and a few words about them.

Option A – $25

Option A allows for a photo, name, dates and message of approximately 40 words (10 lines).  Actual size: 1.00" x 3.27"

Option B – $50

Option B allows for a photo, name, dates and personal story of approximately 80-85 words (10 lines). Actual size: 2.33" x 3.27"


Into the Light will be inserted into the Post Bulletin on Saturday, September 16th. 


One in five adults have a mental health condition and rates of youth depression have been rising steadily, according to Mental Health America. While mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder are common and treatable, there’s still a stigma in our society about these conditions, causing many of those afflicted to suffer in silence, forgo treatment, and in extreme circumstances, even take their own life. To help raise awareness about mental health issues, the Post Bulletin is creating “Into the light…” the second annual issue on mental health, due out this fall. Join us in our mission to bring mental health issues out of the darkness and into the light.

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Into The Light - In memory

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